Friday, February 4, 2011

Can U Get A Rash From Masturbtaion

good water - bad water!

Day 1 of the house list is over. Last night we felt very flattened - so many impressions, so many quantum leaps towards the house. Where in the morning was still a bottom plate, the evening was a house - unfortunately without a roof.

Today was completely under the theme "water".
Early in the morning came the plumber and has put our water system. Beautiful water!

we come to the bad water.
It was raining - or rather, snow and rain in large quantities.
Sturmböhen gabs too, but still had the roof on the house. The crane had
not much to do, after half an hour of work he could go from there.

Our house construction unit made himself diligently to the pottering.
electricity, we have again gemopst of neighbor, and here begins the problem: When Dachstuhlbau not only the workers were exposed to wind and rain, but also all electrical appliances and extension cords. They were then soaked at some point so as to follow the fuses. With our recently resurrected until dry cable drum, it was then.

Chris and I have dedicated the first the company, "Without the mud into the house." After a hardware store visit and maximum use of the physical scoop of the frozen mud, we have created this beautiful entrance:

The house also saw desert. The base is still frozen, it is quite a bit of mud, but we are pushed with a broom and shovel to his body.

heard it still does not stop raining and the worry lines were on the owners face deeper and deeper. The reason is the following vision or outlook. Since it has been raining hard that is purely and, unfortunately, not only there.

Somehow the water sought its way through the floor structure and dripped through a small hole in the vapor barrier.

The culprits were quickly found. In each of these ceilings, we have Swiss cheese holes through which the roof sections are bolted to the walls. As it is for rain. The plan, which should protect the ceiling really could not stop the rain from the masses.

The builders slid heart displays them deep into my mouth. In many places formed small lakes, on the walls you could see rivulets. Not good! Bad water!

A phone call to Senzig (DAB) and our Guidiance indeed brought the assurance that everything dries out again, and if need be exchanged, but it did not help: The vapor barrier had to.

The bucket - your friend and the friend in need: /
There was a lot of water from the ceiling and finally saw all ceilings on the first floor this: Not

nice, but can at least drain the water now.

We get a de-energized and Dehumidifiers Dehumidifiers stromige as soon as we have our own power. On Monday is our site manager and is looking at working with us and our Guidiance the water disaster (at least it feels so) on.

At the end of the day when the roof was tight, the rain had stopped temporarily and the floor was cleaned up, the owners heart jump a little easier, but It can not go out until the water has gone bad!


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