shell decrease
In brilliant sunshine, few clouds and a good mood today was to come: building owner Baubegleiterin and the extended shell has fallen. After Chris yesterday sweated the first real clients sweat digging of the shaft for the power line, he was allowed to remain in the office today and our site manager was allowed to appreciate a lady visitor to the site. Hard-working
assembly team was busy again today and has moved upstairs floor heating and floor tiles, polished the ceiling and frees the window of the film.
We have only small residues are identified, was in the afternoon the floor as one of the rooms on the top floor down yet, the window sill in the guest bathroom was missing some cheese holes in the attic were not yet closed, and two sockets should be installed . Otherwise, everything was chic :-) building owner, construction manager and Baugeleiterin were satisfied and happy (that at least the first two did, but the third certainly also appears).
This makes progress in the next few weeks is that we have a key to our site will receive door. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because there is a new edition of "Feges alone at home." Since the assembly team travels to the Czech Republic tomorrow, the chances of a standing not two hours alone in the house bad. Much we can do yet, since the trades have to clean, but clean up a bissl, amazed, measure, plan to be proud of, and dream is all right.
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