Saturday, February 5, 2011

Face Sitting Pin Downs

Well that still looks much better ...

you remember our water games of yesterday?

This morning I was driving with a full trunk with drinks and a pretty but apprehensively to the site at times to see what our villa is doing on / in the water Sun

The construction crew was already busy at the potter.

The house itself EBH had yesterday set another Bautrockner the size of a field kitchen that turns our house to Tropical Iceland.

The hose leads to the top and can be set flexibly in all rooms. News he was just in the bedroom. And they were ruled it is estimated 45 ° C.

The floors were almost all dry, it also dripped anywhere. We probably need to open at 2 places to look to the drywall times as it looks behind the vapor barrier and mineral wool must be renewed also containing in some places, but that does everything but again more positive.

Monday we will study how to EBH and Daniela said the bodies again and make a moisture measurement, but right now I do not believe any damage or major renovations.


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