The Power of Three K
The Power of Three K " coffee, biscuits, KO- smile (which guarantees each artisan resistance in the knee goes) "could be today, even not escape our gas installers. Tschakaa! No sign of resistance, despite freezing temperatures. In the morning, around seven, were Chris and I in front of our little house and have actually been counted, alone . stay But lo and behold.. A call to the competent installation company revealed that the installers are actually on the road as I drove broadcast shortly after school, we were proud owners of a gas port which I then (and schmächlich neglected dining room ) she also photographed -. unfortunately without SD card Something indeed must be again today :-)
It appears that the power of three K have now to rumgesprochen. At least KO does my smile through phone lines, because I could elicit from our current primary care ado the phone number of the meter fitter and have him and the EBH Electrician verkuppelt together next Tuesday. Tschakaa!
heating and lighting within reach! Very nice!
Our parquet question we have today also reasonably clear. EBH is (to prevent the diffusion or a) to our first base plate, a diffusion layer applied (in the name was an x, as far as I remember), then to the ground balance and turn on the dance floor is glued. Incidentally, I have learned that it is the floor. Man never stop learning ... It will probably be a Eicheton. What do you say this?
Next dates: Kitchen Studio Fine consultation on Thursday, girls weekend and wait for the part is released for decorating, priming, painters, etc.
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