Since the phone line was right next door that was on this occasion, immediately moved into the house. Two birds with one stone.
The gas connection is probably down on Tuesday. Previously, the framework needs to be re-mounted light. Waste water can be added but at the moment unfortunately, not yet. The framework is completely in your way. Let us hope that as EBH can quickly bring the shine in our house. There must also be absolutely freezing.
Our roof is almost finished and covered with fine red dust that is by cutting the tiles everywhere. The next rain washes it off. The may however like to have a bit of time coming :-) After the weekend I can see no rain.
Our solar system for hot water has also been installed already. In the past week we've always been a bit gebibbert and each time you visit the site we have to deposit with a worried look The collectors looked. The were standing all the time outside. Thanks to our neighbors, but so far has not been lost. Although I would not so bad so if anyone would be interested in our huge mound of earth.
As in the past few days, the assembly force has today again divided: some workers were employed on the roof, the others have our indoor ceiling plastered.
We are primed in the next few weeks, and paper with glass fiber.
Our dark gray window sills have also been installed already. I was somewhat skeptical when selecting, but now I think it's very chic.
The handles are already tuned. Unfortunately it is not the right ones.
We have selected more angular, I think, at least :-) The need to still be replaced.
Today we have no more hole in the ceiling to the attic. In recent days it was covered with an insulated plate. Today Bodeneinschuptreppe was installed.
The EBH electricians do when you see this cable clutter perseverance, sensitivity and äääh time. And to think McGyver Not always: take red! Red is always good! Together with a paper clip and chewing gum so you can save the whole world.
morning, the decrease of the expanded shell. EBH we have now received the supplement to our sampling. The elimination of Edelstahlschronsteins for which we have incorporated only the setup, and switching to gas, we get a really nice credit which will be charged for the most part with the house next installment. Overall, the Extras in the Feinspezi kept very limited. EBH has a very transparent pricing policy and the most extras, we have agreed before signing a contract. Only the Elektroaufmusterung represents a slightly larger items, but that was before us clearly. In a Dekosteckdosen-fanatic and a network cable junkie was to be expected with anything else. For other construction companies, we have all too often the phrase: "You then look at the promotion!" heard. We wanted to pre-calculate as precisely as possible and that has now paid off. We are fully in the budget, because even my long door handle was still in there and of course our LED stair spots.
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