Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Female Bedwetter Plastic Pants

Great delivery - Part 2 - Or help where is the place?

If my husband does not recommend the evening again to drive past on the construction site or in the morning quite early, there is a reason. Actually, I can suppress my order and clean-up needs quite successful (what you see on the state of our Wohnng), but after today, all floor coverings have been delivered, and three (sometimes even four!) Trades at the same time were working in the house, I would, given the vast amounts to get materials, boxes, crates, cartons, boxes, packages, pallets and packaging, probably the crisis. And I did yesterday still extra fashioned a makeshift entrance staircase from a palette and remaining battens and even designed the way to the Dixi-Klo in boards; so not that much dirt in your house is. But nothing helped, as the carrier, who delivered the tiles, the range has wisely placed directly on the said road to Dixi-Klo. By Chris had balanced it all into the house, the plan was "no power to the soil!" failed miserably.
Our entire ground floor is so cluttered. Even the towel radiator came today direct from the manufacturer. Fortunately, everything is built quickly (or at least the part that is not because of our orders in the house.): Tomorrow is mounted our snow guard (since the last two winters, is the Berlin area is well known in the "multi-snow area"), the stairs We installed the heater is completely installed, the tile tiles and so on. It's growing and growing. Now only the outer plaster it, so that the scaffolding away and our sewer connection can be established. At least my plan, "No power to the Dixi-Klo" but must work! So far I'm still the clear winner!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Change My Office Desk To Cherry Color

Great delivery - Part 1

A new week, new tasks, new progress!
Today was not only the first essential delivery of our baths order, but our house was also inhabited by three DAB-craftsmen, tilers and plumbers have started as promised to expand our townhouse on. The craft density during the week yet continue to rise: The Carpenters come! And with the carpenters come our staircase and interior doors. Actually we had set ourselves the goal before the installation of interior doors with the laying of the laminate to be done so that the door frames are simply placed on the floor. On the inverted solution we have come not: we just say how much space we need for our flooring and sides are built high. The laminate is then pushed under it flush. It's that simple :-) The installation of the stairs, of course not to another important advantage: we must not bear the laminate packages on the ladder. As Hannibal Smith said so beautifully: I love it when a plan works :-)
The tilers were also anxious to work immediately and have our BaTHROOM FLOOR sealed. Tomorrow will start with the tiles, the bath-tub and shower, however, is not until next week. EBH bases the tiling of the bathtub safe and meanders among the objects as well. End of the week we have our first fully tiled floor!

And now for the highlight of the day: the delivery of sanitary order! And what can I say ... the valves are still beautiful than the pictures on the Internet promise! Unfortunately, I had only my mobile phone to take pictures here, so it is from the Steinbach fittings until tomorrow or the day right photos. For now you have with you a cell phone picture of our guests Basin Mixer satisfied guests, including washbasin. I should perhaps rather say Waschtischchen :-) Händwaschen enough to it and also looks nice. Wash hair goes under the water tap, but only for Barbie dolls ...

Kludi The fitting is simple, square, and was cheap :-)

morning Carnival celebrates the woman of the house (Hellauu!) - of course I dress up as a construction worker - and the master of the house has a day sites "holiday". Chris tried to celebrate the day of the spray system - let 's see if he dressed up as live paint bucket comes home :-)

Como Achar Uma Shiny Stone No Pokemon Soul Silver

Everything tight ;-)

56 solder joints were brazed and are sealed!

The copper pipes I have already covered with insulation.

but unfortunately I missed 1.5m insulation material. I'll get me for € 0.98 at the hardware store ;-)

heaters have already started and spread a pleasant warmth.

Even the closet is already joined. On weekends it can be re-admitted.

The grouting works better and better.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Hide Electronic Equipment In A Chest

color in the face

The sun shines from the sky, the spring is in the air as you get yeah right color in the face! In our case, it's just no delicate brown, but deep ground-white. Our first weekend of painting!
On Friday the entire basement of the leveling was completed, he dries hard now to himself. Since our heating is still only provisional runs on an electric water heater, have the right painting paper highlight how and to wait 2 weeks but can be primed already. So our Saturday began with a giant shopping at the hardware store - again, the purchase was in the truest sense of the word thrilled about it because I could not look more than a loaded shopping cart.. Yeah, I know I'm not the greatest, but two very experienced DIY (at least they looked so) that my journey Blind escape through the DIY programs had said only: "Wow, this looks like work". On the one hand it's nice to finally have to do, potter about the house and to be able to do everything the way you want it. On the other hand, see 36 rolls Vließtapete and countless roles Malervließ kind of intimidating ...

First, the bathroom was on the program, for which is to be tiled in the next few days and there has It is of course, do as much as possible Kleksarbeit before. So were some of the walls and ceiling with white can primer primed. White primer has the incredible advantage that you can see something of the laborious string work :-) As you can spray with our no spray primer, we have the hardware store a totally practical Pump Extension Bar for the paint rollers purchased. It sounds so great, is not it? You do not have to dip repeatedly into the paint bucket presses a button and has just re-wop on the color roll That's the theory -. Praxi the thing flew in after a short time in the Corner. Ne simple extension staff is still the best, but unfortunately kraftzehrendste solution.

In this photo are not primed the corners, so you can see the before-after-effect is still very good.

The result of the weekend can be seen:
All ceilings upstairs are primed white (except for the stairwell) is, the bathroom walls, the Malervließ are primed, the attic is swept, the road again and also in the entire upper floor stacked painter utensils.
morning delivered the majority of our sanitaryware and fittings. Only the towel and the shower thermostat were not in stock and are therefore later. Also, make the tile and heating engineers to work.
On Tuesday, Chris can save the gym, for all floor coverings will be provided: tiles, Zwetschgenlamiat and poplar laminate, along with sound insulation and strips More material will be transported to the upper floor, processing mainly. will be - Jipiiiii!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nadine Jansen Break-in Vid

Smooth as a baby's bottom

Not only the weather is gorgeous right now, even the look in our future living-dining room is always beautiful. When you visit daily ventilation in the house today I could marvel at not only a resin layer, but a smooth floor. Smooth as a baby's bottom! The rest of the basement is, of course zugerümpelt accordingly, but tomorrow it is the plastic surgery, "leveling floor" before.

prevails in the house thanks to sunshine and above all our temporary floor no cooling air-conditioners more. In the next week must / can / may / should acknowledge the good Elektroheizug but their service (which can / must / should / must not only Defense ...).

neighbor on the corner lot at distinguished himself today was: A ground survey. Well, had the times of our building blog, then they would know that we already have a soil report for this site :-) Now we shiver a bit, that the house is not too high (not so ne rieeeeeeeesige villa!) so we have little or no sun possible loss.

Our beautiful floor!

From this perspective I have now I still believe, made no photo: From the bath shot in the hallway and into Gäste-/Kinderzimmer.

We know you have to remember the show with the mouse? In the beginning, the program is being repeated on a foreign language .... and the dear children Bauisch:

I can already see our Ururururenkel formally before me as they are frowning before the legacy of their Urururureltern and are wondering what you wanted them to say :-)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Community Service Hours Ideas

How to make client happy inside

least since today is on my client's face inside a happy smile carved. The reason is not only that our living room is almost dust free (though that alone already happy), but the following:

Steinberg Series 120 * sigh *. Given these beauties are all the reasonable price calculations in recent days been thrown overboard - but it is indeed based only once, right, and so much more expensive than Chris' fittings by Ideal Standard, they also are not?. But then there's the guest bathroom is conveniently fitting, but the design fits in very well and also a simple trap, because it disappears anyway after a cabinet.

the ground floor of our house again what is happening. We wait almost daily on the thank you letter from our current provider, or the certificate of appointment to the customer of the month, they look forward namely the installation of our elektritschen transitional floor heating. The always fulfilled its purpose and has awakened our bottom plate out of hibernation. Now our house dries to himself, on a daily basis by us and ventilated by the DAB-craftsmen expanded. Said craftsmen were now also responsible to make the smile on the client inside the face are even wider, because they have felt tons of dust sucked up in the living room and applied the resin layer to prepare the floor laying.

In the course of the week the leveling and poured on the weekend is the first major Renovieraktion: Operational ceiling painting in the hallway and in the deep ground floor

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Programs Like Oovoo Skype

statistics in construction or who has the choice ...

.... has the torment How true, how true! Tile paint, tile sizes, tile adhesives, tile rails, transition rails, grout, laminate, baseboards, form of plinths, end caps, corner caps, sound insulation, Montageklips or maybe nails, primer, glue, coat with glue, painting fabric, fiber glass, various patterns , widths, grades, textured wallpaper, Prägetapenten, Alutapeziertisch, wooden trestle table, papering machine, wall paint, acrylic joints, window sills Natural stone .... or at least from Formica Who has the choice, clearly the pain!
How many DIY stores visited a house builder or a construction designer, during and after construction? 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000, how many decisions have 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000? How does the number of visits made DIY with the formation rate and especially the durability of decisions? Interesting statistical questions (Why search the wide world of competence assessment in higher education, when the real statistics before, is to see and probably under the house?)! In order to qualify said statistical issues to the track, have Chris and I unceremoniously pushed our own exploratory field study and the DIY abegeleistet visits and 39 281 39282nd On our "we-need-That-for-our-house list" we could take some hooks (purchased tiles, delivery dates agreed upon, bought for the bathroom window sills). Good test run! Well it is great, you think you now, certainly, but the bad thing is that our list is not any shorter. Much worse: So far none of it is used! And the worst: That is only the list for the interior. Yes, there are lists for the establishment, the outside facilities Part 1, the outside facilities Part 2, the Outside facilities Part 3, the list for the move, the list for the entry, the list for the first renovation ... Why we can not really just buy tiles? Well, one can, in theory, of course, already, but not so really helps a lot. One must simultaneously have 10,000 other things on their mind and thus are lists longer and longer and longer. In educational research, one engages in this case to test and mulitvarianten Analsyseverfahren, we prefer to rely on the tile by EBH, namely, to bring with tile adhesive and grout! But what about Corner Beads, trims and all the other bells and whistles from? Transition rails? And at some point for better or worse will be the date on which not only the bathrooms, but also hall, kitchen and utility room will be tiled ... To top it all today I have the fittings that Chris was so great in Natura seen, and I find them ... well ... um change worthy :-) So much for the connection of Hardware visits and the durability of decisions ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Get A Cheat List On Visual

heaters hang

Here are my first results as an apprentice to the heating installer ;-) Anyway I've helped a little. Many thanks to the energetic support of my trainer ;-)

is the radiator, the tubing is prepared for brazing (squeezing is for wimps ;-)))

also in the party room may soon be cozy and warm. Next week, Saturday will be soldered and then comes the moment of decision.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stores In Jackson With Bunny Cages

Badpläne - well you know:)

Since we are able to learn and we have been strongly advised to tile in the sink area, we have adapted our bathroom planning something again.

Well, was not so much change and the result see also look chic (we find):

colors and the like is, of course, all "beta" phase. It looks like finally we will know only when we have the brush, or rather our WallPerfect system in hand.

As our guest bathroom tends to be rather dark, yes, we will use white tiles.

Regards, Chris
(The plan must be alone, because the woman an important Misses on at a session on "Measuring competence in higher education" does:))

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adding Heat Pump Coil To A Oil Furnace

dates, deadlines, deadlines!

Today we received a long awaited call from our promoter: The dates for the progress of construction have been announced!
At the end of this week we installed a temporary heating system that warms the floor heating in the EC, the base plate.
come early next week, the resin layer, which is important for future installation of parquet.
end of next week comes the fine balance.
In week 10 (week after next)'s start will be correct: tiles in the bathrooms and install proper heating.
It really works :-)

The heating is urgently needed. Although, an electric heater that the water supply freezes in the HWR, but the rest of the house really cold. It did not matter, this morning I went out extra early and have revealed. And I was able to equal the amount of light or sun rays marvel at our house. Really nice!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Who Has The Best Boobs In Bollywood?

Badpläne - Reloaded ...

And now some news ... We now
the floor for the living and dining room have purchased.
is * drumroll * laminate.
I hear how some smack on the head again ... Do the anarchists already changed her mind again.
Jo, we have:)
Why? Well ... The story with the floor and the poor thermal conductivity we had already covered already. Those who can not remember: learning! This can happen in the next class work:)
tiles came to us from the beginning of the question. Does us sterile.
That leaves only laminate. The really
combines both properties: good heat conductivity and wood look.
The argument that laminate is fragile and not as durable as hardwood is true, though. But good laminate holds today 10years without problems and costs less than half of the flooring. And if I've seen enough turn, I throw it out simply stop.
The preparation of EBH stick to the floor of can we place anyway. This allows us in a few years still change your mind.
'wood decor "We have decided on Elm Markant. To stay with the common names: elm:)
is not a common pattern, but fits very well with our kitchen countertop and white furniture.
is also the color chosen so that it looks almost nothing on it. No scratches or dirt. Practical for family Sweeney * cough *

But now we come to the actual topic: The Bad
I swear ... Another 1-2 days longer and I would Flushing each and every tile studio in Berlin taken apart.
One should not believe how much planning can thus swallow a bath. Well at least I did yesterday then think of all the snout had fully downloaded as a trial to me a fantastic bathroom planners and getting creative.
And then last night had Judith and I finally finished our bathroom planning. For now ;-)

In principle, it is a relatively straightforward bathroom without much frills and little wall tiles. For this we will work with color.
But see for yourself: (walls or objects that would be in the path are hidden)
comments and suggestions welcome.

door view.
Quasi just next to the shower with a view of the sink and the toilet. The transparency is a glass partition that we will eventually buy one at that.
view from above of the toilet to the shower. There are 90x45 tiles

also the guest bathroom is ready. Also there is no wall tiles.

Sun .. Now I'm alternating ...

Dog Suddenly Drinking Excessive Water

and floor coverings and there was light ...

Yes, unbelievable but true:) We have our own electricity.

Today was The counter installer here, and has installed the meter. And shortly after I got it I naturally can not accept to make the same times EON happy and have an electric heater connected.

With the hefty sub-zero temperatures which also does so urgently need our water supply from freezing.

EBH today was busy installing the electric ^ ^

And because we have heard complaints that we have not yet photographed our dining room wall, there is also the same one at that.

The proof ... Already consumes 0.2 kW:)

Since nu is ie our "dining room". If the wiper technology at the wall is not just amazing:)?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Square Ceramic Magnets

tiles, real estate transfer tax and would rather visit

It did not help: Despite our last visit we have mammoth task "floor coverings" continued. We were working in Spandau near Franz Bergmann and have the tiles issue - in tow, of course, always our visit from Salzgitter :-). Alina could not believe it (and we're somehow not) that after a very short time found what you needed. The brand Cerabella is not only relatively inexpensive but also has to buy exactly what we

Dark gray floor tiles for kitchen, hallways, bathrooms and utility room in the format 30x60:: want to have

white, matt wall tiles in 45x90 for the shower:

white, matt wall tiles in the 30x60 for lining the bathtub and toilet for guests:

And for my design-ambitious husband, there are matching the mosaic floor tile. The mosaic tiles are sometimes used for tiling the bath tub. Let's see how we pennant that the tile :-)

After work (ie after choosing the tiles) and short visit to the site (we need a Heizug, it is soooooooooooooo cold in the house!) Have the ways of two separate clients: the two ladies went shopping and the client has brought to his best friend to safety.

In the meantime, the fees charged for the land transfer tax came. Yes! That's right: two decisions! Since Chris and I purchased the property at 50% each have (at least that the land says so) were also two letters in two envelope with two stamps sent. No wonder that the municipalities are broke ...

happens in the next week, hopefully more on our site. On Tuesday, stands at the announced date of EBH electric meter installer and electrician. Tomorrow I have a contract with chattering teeth (The 4th K!) to call our site manager, so he takes a very short time, our heating system in operation. It has become bitterly cold again and we will leave our house without heating anymore. We can not currently airing, because otherwise the whole miserable residual heat from escaping. armed