Sunday, February 15, 2009

Are Renal Cysts Dangerous

event against genetic engineering / gene

alliance GE-free Wendland

press release
Lüchow, the 02/12/2009

genetic engineering technology
event risk associated with genetic engineering in Lüchow
perspective only to beekeepers in the city?

At an event Wednesday night in Lüchow were more than 40 critics and genetic engineering - together critics, to gather information about the dangers. Dr. Christian students of the University in Witzenhausen spoke about the risks of genetic engineering in agriculture, the health, legal, social and economic dangers. He presented a study of the Austrian Environment Ministry, according to the genetically modified animal feed fed mice in the third generation, lower fertility and a showing lower weight than the control group. Also, the economic benefit is not so given how derChemiekonzern Monsanto third party would contribute: in Saxony had to be able to show in a two-year period, the cultivation of genetically modified Bt corn Mon 810 compared to the cultivation of conventional maize in a normal infestation of the pest European corn borer no economic benefits. The reasons: The farmer has a higher cost due to the special seed, had to separate production processes for the production, which come with the GM seeds in connection hold up, the application procedures is very time consuming undinsgesamt devour the fulfillment of the requirements of the Genetic Engineering Act Time and money, so that will increase the profits is achieved.

His conclusion: In agriculture, genetic engineering is used uneconomic risk technology.

The professional beekeepers Marco Otte from Beutow performs the operation for four generations. He shocked the audience with the prospect that would provide for him soon only a future in the city. Justification for this was the threat posed by Bt corn, and the massive use of pesticides in the country. Otte was disappointed about the low positioning of the beekeepers about genetic engineering. "We as beekeepers may have only 0.3 percent GMO contamination in our honey. If we are over it, we must discard our honey as hazardous waste "as a beekeeper from South Germany." My very existence is threatened in the county, there would be a re-planting of Mon 810. The foreign, notably Canadian clover honey in the supermarkets would very much contamination of up to 6 percent, such that could only be advised of a sale and consumption.

farmer Martin Schulz of Small Farmers (ABL) reported by the protests by certain influential farmers set up a GM-free region Wendland failed several years ago. The ABL would yet still pursue the goal of establishing GMO-free regions, but this would depend heavily on the commitment of individual farmers. "From above, there can be nothing forcing, must grow from below," said Martin Schulz. The audience response has been quick with suggestions, but very easy to start small. With individual farms, which have declared themselves GMO-free. Another suggestion was that if even the producers do not relate clearly position, then it can do to consumers in which they signal clearly: I only buy GM free products. The purchase decision could be facilitated for example by a GM-free shopping.

to the threat of genetically modified maize could theoretically also the GM Amflora potato come, if these crops were allowed by the authorities. Here there is little chance for a large-scale cultivation in the local district because the starch plant in Lüchow, as potential customers, only for the production of food produced and this may not accept genetically modified potato.

What looks like the nation-wide resistance against the cultivation of GM maize, Gwendolyn Jobst outlined by the Alliance GM-free Wendland, who was herself at a field rescue operation last summer in the Bavarian district of Kitzingen it. The initiative "gendreck away" was invited to deliver a field of Bt corn, as the plants were replaced by early Bantam corn. The police intervened and there were reports of property damage. The trials are pending.

developed in a lively discussion, the presence of many plans, like the citizens of the district could be better informed about the dangers of genetic engineering: a large GM-free table in the marketplace of Lüchow, small declare GMO-free regions lessor in the GMO-prohibitive clauses lease indicate that use culinary outing (Elbgenuß). Further meetings of the Alliance GM-free Wendland will follow to implement several ideas into action.

Many participants of the event urged that we must keep at it. "If we are not present this year and make more people aware of the dangers of genetic engineering, to us next year blooms again the same as in 2008" as a listener in a reference to the planting of Mon 810 in the test last spring Laase. About one they all agreed: It is a great success of the activities in the last year that there will be on the current state in this year, no planting of GM maize in the district Lüchow-Dannenberg.

Enquiries: Katja
temple 05841-4540


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