PM on Tuesday, 15 July 2008
charge of the colonies in Kaisheim at Donauwörth from 4:00 clock. Arrival in the city of Munich 8:00 clock
The Administrative Court of Augsburg had on 30 May ruled that the beekeepers in the area of state plots need to migrate to the gene-maize MON 810 with their people during the corn flower, in order to guard against the contamination of their products with genetically modified corn. The court found that even tiny traces of MON810 in the loss of marketability of the bee products. The beekeepers are concerned
not equipped to walk with their colonies and to transport to some extent health is not in a position to severe hives. The German vocational and employment Beekeepers Association therefore has a "Border Crossing" organized for beekeepers and colleagues will perform with suitable equipment the difficult removal of up to 50 colonies. The beekeepers leave their ancestral Places and bee houses only under protest.
therefore be established by the people during the maize flowering in the field of view of the cause of the problem in the city of Munich. The city of Munich has kindly offered space, is where the beehives for the next few weeks, "GM political asylum granted. The managers of the state government should be reminded constantly of their state capital on the consequences of their pro-biotech policy by several "displaced persons camps.
Displaced colonies received from representatives of the Munich beekeeping associations. The Munich beekeepers agree with their cultivation of GM maize colleagues concerned solidarity and have offered to take care of bees in the coming weeks. The surrounding counties have also GMO-free asylum offered to beekeepers for their peoples.
beekeepers champion Thomas Radetzki
representatives of the Alliance &
Board of the Association Mellifera eV
phone (+49) 07428-945 24 94
Mobil (+49) 0171-33 66 569
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