legal assistance for affected GM opponents / 27/06/2008
for the monitoring of the legal consequences, there are two possibilities: Either
it that you turn to the EA (Ermittlungsausschuss Wendland) or their
contacted Legal Aid gendreck away.
The EA is available: 05841/979430
Office hours: Wednesday from 19.30 bis 21 clock, otherwise, please discuss
answering machine.
The assistance of gendreck-way is available: Katja
Temple (Contact)
katja.tempel @
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assistance gendreck-off: Process Training 12th 14:09:08
assistance gendreck-off
1 20357 Hamburg Tel 040-23518307
0170-7565451 Fax. 040/40186847
Legal aid gendreck-away invites you to a 2-day training is a process.
process training
of 12 to 14 There
September 2008 at the Villa Locomuna in Kassel
yet there is no penalty orders for the successful liberation of the field this year. This can also last quite a while. But then, if times get summary punishment, it can go pretty fast with the first trial dates. Sometimes there is precious little time to prepare.
is in the process of training is mainly about collecting experiences without (as in the courtroom) for every mistake will be punished bitter. Of course, we will provide all necessary information and answer all your questions. In the center of the weekend but are role playing, in which we play through possible realitatsnah the phases of a process and then evaluate them.
The process training can take place if they register at least 5 people. A maximum of 25 people participate, so it's worth a quick registration. This asked 20 € will transfer to the account of the legal aid gendreck-off, account number 401 687 1300 at the GLS Bank Bochum, BLZ 430 609 67 and sends a short message to
for the Legal Aid team
Karin and Holger Isabelle Walther Jaenicke
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