Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Heal Pityriasis Rosea Scars

The house delivery

Yesterday, the house was officially handed over. The last little work is now done more quickly and for the rest (painting / laminate) then probably we are responsible ;-) But
We are making good progress as you see.

Even the color "Dark Rose" shines on a wall in the kitchen. The picture distorts the color a bit. Even I managed to find the wall ;-)

The entrance area is a "Green Tea" direct more comfort. On the weekend we do move the rest of laminate and thus hold on to our set date (05.12.). I am now relax for Christmas to once again be able to something. My muscles and bones are also looking forward already!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Rabbitautomatic Water

The doors are in there

have the top we decided for reasons of cost for standard doors, which still look very nice.

In the kitchen we have opted for a glass door to the corridor to supply natural light.

We see that the floor is painted in large part already.

The garage door was installed.

of the electrical has equipped us with commercials.

The outer spots shine to the far left. Since the electrician has to come good again :-(

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Accident At Sleepover

The way to happiness

Today, our garage door was installed. This can be opened via a button now ;-)
Our interior doors were delivered and installed on Thursday . For tomorrow, the electrician has been announced. Let's see if he really is.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sides To Go With Bratwurst

The painting

Our vacation has started and we continue to emphasize wall to wall. In some paint work time has come to the wall.

In the bedroom we have even put laminate.

also have the muddy path to the house we started.

Here you go! 4 cubic gravel. And who the spread now?

After 3 hours I could dare to sample the fully loaded car.

So our house is now attainable without mud ;-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Caskets For Stillborn Babies

;-) We have a loo ;-)

The guest bathroom.

The guest-basin.

The Throne of the builders.

course with sink.

Now even the first bath will be admitted.

meantime we have already let the kitchen tiles.
Next week starts our holiday. Then again, we must also be diligent.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Are White Bumps On Tongue

Recent work

The floor tiles in the guest bathroom are laid.

Even in the bathroom all the tiles are laid and grouted.

The last step is laid up.

All window sills are in there and run the remaining plaster work.

Even the bins have been ordered by us already there ;-)
What must be done before: the latest sanitary installations, electrical work and the last a small piece of floor at the front door. Not much so ;-))

Friday, October 30, 2009

Brad Norton And Tiffany Granath Divorce


Today is the 4th time was TÜV on our site. While of course there is no modifications required but we found a very good thing and the reason for construction nail degree are the standard. Safe is Safe
;-) In the next week, the remaining work done. Yesterday we were finally connected to the sewage system. And in the bathroom it goes quickly. Thus, should our chic cottage in a super fast time of 5 months and 1 week to be ready. Madness!

The first window bank is ready.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Is The Best Scanners For Doing Comic Books

The tub is full ... uh uh uh

Our tub is installed and filled. Unfortunately, with cold water. A lot has happened this week:

The front door is installed.

The bathroom was tiled more.

The radiators were mounted.

And mounted the railing.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shakespeare Bull Pizzle

The front door ...

is installed on Tuesday.

The red wooden post shows the way to our sewage. The work is done, the road is again and we can move our Häusken connect to the sewage system. This is planned for next week. The electricity meter is installed and our heating system hums and warming on our floor.

The shower has been tiled. We have this weekend, the ceiling in the nursery ground, primed and painted. The bedroom is ready for the laminate ;-) I think and hope that we are well on schedule and our now anticipated moving date on 05./06.12. able to comply. Christmas in a new private home, a very nice idea ;-)))